You can check the status of your booking among below methods.
- Confirm via the ”Manage Booking" website
Enter the booking number (6-digit alphanumeric code) and passenger name (last name only, not full name), and log in to the site to confirm your booking.
「Manage Booking」(Log in page) - Confirm via your Peach Profile Account
If you have logged in to your Peach profile account during the booking procedure, you can confirm your booking on the Peach profile account site.
*The same applies if you newly registered your Peach profile account during the time of new booking.
「Peach Profile Account」
If you purchased through a travel agency and cannot check your booking on the above websites, please contact the travel agency where you purchased the ticket.
If you purchased through a travel agency and cannot check your booking on the above websites, please contact the travel agency where you purchased the ticket.