Cabin attendants will give instructions mainly on the 2 points below.
A-1. Opening Emergency Exit
When evacuation of the aircraft is instructed, check through the window to ensure that there is no fire and the emergency exit window is not submerged in water. Remove the cover, remove the hatch inward by pulling the handle inside, and discard the hatch out of the aircraft.
A-2. Assisting Other Passenger in the Evacuation
When the emergency exit is opened and the escape slide fully inflates, slide down and assist other passengers sliding down at the bottom of the escape slide. From inside the aircraft, guide other passengers to evacuate outside the aircraft in order. Instruct the passenger to inflate life vests by pulling the cord, not inside the aircraft but on the wing.
What kind of instructions will crew give during an emergency evacuation?
- b.変更・取消・払戻
- c.座席・荷物